It is no secret that social, financial and state policies are formed on the basis of the “Theory of Generations”.


The characteristics and needs of each generation are carefully studied and used in business, sometimes for the benefit of the population, and sometimes for manipulative purposes. Therefore, it is useful to know the preferences and habits of generations. In addition, the "Theory of Generations" helps people of different ages to improve their "relationship" with finances and to find financial wealth.
It is also important also because today they are often found in the same family up to 4 generations. Knowing the value orientations of each age, you can successfully use them to achieve certain goals and objectives.
We will take a closer look at three generations - Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennialssince it is they who are currently socially and financially active. We will pay special attention to values, needs, approach to work, financial habits, attitudes towards money, investments and savings, as well as their motivational hooks.
dates of birth 1945 – 1963
Generation «Baby boomers» - born in the post-war period, who survived the collapse and devastation. They set big goals, which they go to together with the team. Public interests are always higher than personal ones.
This generation of people is distinguished by frugality, activity and ambition. 
They are focused on building their career, successful and stable. That is why many boomers still hold leadership positions in various companies. 
Accustomed to working hard, saving and not spending.
The pictures detail their attitudes towards work, consumption habits and attitudes towards money.
dates of birth 1964-1980
Generation "X" were born during the destruction of socialism. That is why they are characterized by individualism and independence, flexibility, political apathy and skepticism. 
They are focused on entrepreneurship. They hope more for themselves.
They love comfort, value the quality and functionality of the purchased items. 
The pictures detail their attitudes towards work, consumption habits and attitudes towards money.
dates of birth 1981-2003
Generation "Games" grew up in the era of the virtual world, computers, new technologies, so the Internet and social networks are an integral part of their life.
We caught the global crisis of 2008, so they see processes differently, learn faster and better navigate the digital space, but that is why it is more difficult for them to communicate in reality.
They are characterized by such features as cosmopolitanism, tolerance, spontaneity. 
Millennials are freedom-loving, innovative, pursuing new experiences and value good service.
The images also detail their attitudes towards work, consumption habits and attitudes towards money.

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