These phone numbers can be useful to anyone living in Germany.

We wish you to use these numbers as little as possible, but in any case, you should have them at hand!
Police call

Offenses, serious road accidents

Fire and Rescue Service

Serious accidents and cases requiring urgent medical attention, such as heart attacks, lack of breathing, loss of consciousness, paralysis, stroke, poisoning, burns, acute pain.

Finding a doctor on weekends (outside the home doctor's office hours)

If you feel unwell on the day off, you can always find on this phone number, where the doctor on duty takes. This can be either a doctor of the high category, or a specialist in a narrow profile, for example, an ophthalmologist. 

Anonymous psychological help by phone
0800-111-01-11 или 0800-111-01-22 или 116-123

Problems and depression, difficulties with a partner, bullying at school (Mobbing) and at work, job loss, various addictions, illness, loneliness, loss of meaning in life, spiritual issues. Important - the call will not be included in the itemized bill of your phone bill.

Anonymous help for pregnant women

Counseling for pregnant women in difficult life situations, anonymous childbirth.

Helping children and adolescents, online problems, sexual abuse

Children can anonymously consult about their problems at home, at school.

Counseling for parents

Parenting issues, network problems, child sexual abuse, parent-child relationship problems

Help with poisoning (Giftnotruf)

Useful for families with small children. If the child has eaten any pills or drank a chemical liquid. Service staff will advise you on how to act in a specific situation. 

XNUMX/XNUMX anonymous assistance to women who have experienced violence
Financial blocking number

Block lost EC- and credit cards, identity cards (Personalausweisen)

Communication with authorities

Mon to Fri, 8 am to 18 pm, dealing with all kinds of administrative matters (municipalities, counties, states and / or federal government)

Independent Patient Counseling Service in Germany

Offers independent and free assistance and advice on all aspects of patient health and rights throughout Germany

Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit), Reception

An independent contact point for all questions about the German health care system.

Counseling for the deaf and hearing impaired
Fax: 030-340-60-66-07

Videophone for the deaf and hearing impaired

Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 18:00, Friday from 8:00 to 12:00

Hotline of the Federal Ministry of Economy on the impact of the coronavirus on business
Association of German Pressure Chamber Centers.

If oxygen therapy is needed

Helpline in Russian

For the Russian-speaking population experiencing difficulties in communicating in German, Germany has prudently organized a helpline. Service staff will listen if there are difficulties, problems and fears, and will help. It's free, anonymous, XNUMX/XNUMX and in Russian.

In addition to useful phone numbers, below are useful links and additional information that is often in demand in Germany.

List of all sworn translators in Germany. 
A sworn translator has the right to translate and certify official documents throughout Germany... It is such a translation that is required on documents for their submission to various departments.