Today the topic is not the easiest one. But it so happened that I had to face her personally.

There is a plus - this market in Germany is civilized, without extortions and chaos. According to statistics, funeral costs average between 6 and 000 €. This amount does not include additional costs for vacating the apartment and subsequent paperwork. Therefore, the indicated range may deviate upward.

Easily and quickly calculate the cost of insurance

➡Costs are structurally linked to two organizations: a funeral home and a cemetery.

🔹Funeral service deals with paperwork, preparatory work, morgue, transport.

For some services there is a daily payment and depends on weekends and holidays, as well as the time of day. The minimum expenses are between 2500 and 3500 €.

🔹Cemetery. It is necessary to rent, usually for 20–30 years, a place for a grave. Average cost 1500 – 2500 €. Subsequent annual costs are also possible, but not as significant.

Services related to religious ceremonies will cost an additional 300 - 700 €.

Therefore, not small bills will be added to the stressful situation.

With regard to cremation, the Germans are increasingly resorting to this type of service.

❓Can you somehow prepare for this?

It can be concluded both on yourself and on a loved one.

The sum insured most often varies from 3000 to 10 €. The average payment per month depends on the amount of the payment. For example, taking out insurance at the age of 000 with an insurance sum of 60€, the monthly payment will be 7500-30€ for 40 years.

Each specific situation has its own nuances, but in the company whose services we had to deal with, fees are paid up to 85 years.

The cost of insurance will be about 15-20% lower if the person does not have chronic diseases and is filled medical questionnaire (Gesundheitserklärung).

If the insurance is concluded without a medical examination, the policy will take effect only after 1,5 - 2 years (Wartezeit).

Don't get sick, live happily ever after! 

Need help choosing insurance? Write us and we will answer your questions in detail.

Easily and quickly calculate the cost of insurance

2 answer

  1. At the end of the time, the grave is released. Where are the remains of the deceased transferred or burned?

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