giro card

During 2021, many banks introduced various commissions, and at the end of the year, ING and DKB “made us happy” with news. Not the best.

???? We have collected for you the latest changes in Girocard tariffs in 2022.

 Girokonto, Girocard or EC-Karte Is the main bank account in Germany. It is credited with wages or other income. 

✔️ This is the main account from which all regular payments are debited: accommodation, electricity, the Internet, insurance, mobile connection, travel cards, fitness and other contractual payments.

✔️ This account is distinguished from others by the presence of the first two letters in the number - DE. 

✔️ Most often, this card cannot be paid on the Internet, as well as outside Europe. Therefore, many banks offer, sometimes free of charge, an additional card of international VISA or MasterCard systems.

Is it possible to refuse Girocard?

⛔️ Many government agencies/Amts only accept Girocard

⛔️ You can withdraw money at the supermarket when shopping (Geld abheben) only with Girocard

⛔️ Some consulates in Russia accept only Girocard.

Still have questions?  Write us and we will answer you in detail.
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