10 facts why it's good to make mistakes!
Everyone knows that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Mistakes are normal, they are necessary, EVERYONE makes them! But it is very important to draw conclusions from your mistakes. 
Of course, there are areas where health or life depends on a person's actions, but we will not touch them, this is so clear and understandable.
1. Mistakes are an indispensable part of growth and development, a way of self-knowledge and an indicator of moving forward.
2. Mistakes open eyes, broaden horizons, create options, give new sources of inspiration, make it possible to get to know this world in a new way.
3. Mistakes can best teach something, allow you to accumulate useful experience and new knowledge. They make people more interesting, because the more different experiences a person has, the more interesting it is with him.
4. Mistakes improve brain activity, pump strategic thinking, train memory and critical thinking.
5. Mistakes teach compassion and kindness towards people. When a person realizes that EVERYONE makes mistakes, he becomes more forgiving and loyal to others.
6. Many inventions and great discoveries of mankind were made due to mistakes (Columbus discovered America, penicillin, microwave radiation, plastic, Coca-Cola, cornflakes, anesthesia, potato chips, superglue, botox and much more).
7. You never lose. Because you are either winning or learning. If as a result of a mistake you have learned something, this is no longer a mistake, but a training!
8. A new trend in the labor market - a person with unsuccessful projects becomes more valuable for the future employer, because he knows how to get out of difficult crisis situations. This trend came from Silicon Valley, which shows the world a huge number of successful projects and broadcasts that not all startups are firing.
9. Ability is loyal to the mistakes of others - this is the soft skill that in today's realities is extremely important for a career, moreover, it becomes more important than genius. Modern companies say goodbye to even mega-effective managers if they are not flexible and toxic.
10. We all get paid for experience. And the more mistakes and the correct conclusions made from them, the higher the cost of our services will be quoted, because without "breaking the wood" we will not be professionals in our business.
Thanks to mistakes, we begin to appreciate the good that is in the present!
Therefore, my friends, make mistakes with joy, learn from them, build ladders to your happiness and success from the bricks of your experience.
And we also went to make our own mistakes. And if you noticed an error in this article, Write us, and we will correct ourselves.

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