Programs and applications for accounting and filing tax returns

In Germany, for both businesses and individuals, proper bookkeeping and tax compliance play a key role in financial planning. The complexities of tax laws can be a challenge for both entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. The rapid development of technology provides access to programs that greatly facilitate accounting processes and simplify tax accounting. In this […]

Mandatory pension contributions for the self-employed

self-employed pension

We answer a frequently asked question – mandatory pension contributions for the self-employed. The self-employed include selbständiger and Freiberufler. Since 2019, the government has been discussing the topic of making pension contributions mandatory for the self-employed. Currently, for most entrepreneurs, contributions are voluntary. There are professions for which deductions have always been mandatory, but we are sure these lucky ones already know about it. […]

Taxation of investments

What tax do you have to pay on investment income in Germany? This is the most common question, as is the question about passive investing in the Sparplan ETF. Investment taxation in Germany consists of the following parts: -Income tax - 25% -Solidarity tax, if applicable -Church tax, if applicable Thus, on average, the tax on investment income will be from 26% to […]

Steuer ID and Steuernummer - what's the difference?

VERY COMMONLY THERE IS CONFUSION BETWEEN STEUERNUMMER AND STEUER-ID Let's figure out what is the difference between Steuer-ID (identification number in Germany) and Steuernummer (tax number in Germany) and where to get it. How to get a Steuer-ID We are used to TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number, as it is called in Russia, is assigned to a person at birth, and does not change anymore. In Germany, the analogue of the TIN […]

Spouse income tax

TAXATION OF INCOME OF SPOUSES Initially, income tax is based on an individual principle: one taxpayer - one declaration. ⠀ This applies primarily to: 🚻 Couples whose relationship is not officially registered Widows and widowers Divorced Registered, but not living together spouses ⠀ Such the principle is called Einzelveranlagung - individual tax assessment. For some categories of citizens, in particular, spouses, a general assessment of income tax (Zusammenveranlagung) is possible. This requires compliance with [...]

Do retirees pay taxes?

The pension tax system in Germany remains a focus, especially for those approaching this stage of their lives. Questions about how retirement income will be taxed, limitations and benefits are becoming important aspects of financial planning for future retirees. In this article we will take a closer look at all the exemptions and nuances that play an important role in tax policy […]


Eltern pic

CAN PARENT ASSISTANCE BE TAX DEPENDENT? Can. And it is necessary. ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS You must legally live and work in Germany. ❗️The topic applies to those people who live in Germany and whose parents live in other non-European countries. The main condition: parents must be in need. Verify that the parent's monthly income is less than the living wage […]


Rürup-Rente pension for self-employed with the ability to write off taxes


More about Riester-Rente you can read the article: “Riester-Rente additional pension." ✅Riester-Rente is a convenient tool for investing in your future pension in Germany. In this article we will look at situations that may not be suitable for you to conclude a Policy. ❌If you meet one of the following points, then you should consider whether you need this product: 🔹You work […]


Program Riester-Rente is a voluntary additional pension insurance with state participation. IMPORTANT. Added December 14, 2021: 🟢 Riester-Rente remains and will be in 2022 and beyond 🟢 Guaranteed rate decreases from 0,9% to 0,25%. In this regard, many companies stop concluding Riester contracts 🟢 If you are interested in Riester, contact us and we will help you […]


Is it possible to save money by changing tax classes between spouses?👫 The answer is NO Many people know that in Germany there are 6 tax classes. And there is an opinion that by changing classes in marriage you can save money. There is an opinion that a single person pays more taxes than a married person. You can read about the amount of income tax in the next article. To support the population, [...]