The same question is asked by brands and brands in order to gain your trust and sell more goods and services. Marketers and psychologists come to their aid. They studied consumer behavior based on instinctive unconscious patterns called psychotypes and archetypes.
That is, brands are interested not only in the solvency of a potential client, but also in how his behavior depends on the psychological type of personality.
Each is based on their core values ​​in life. Of course, it rarely happens that one consumer has only one single model of behavior, but, as a rule, 2-3 models always stand out as the leading ones.
Further, all psychological archetypes are placed and it is clearly shown what unconscious "message" we send to brands and why we buy their products.
Whether we like it or not, the image of brands clearly falls into the mentality of consumers.
We can use this information not only when buying gifts and creating our own unique brand, but also to understand the internal differences and the logic of actions in order to effectively establish contacts with people of different types.